When it comes to bringing new security technologies to market and making money with them, no one can possibly top Charles Leaver. One reason for that is, he has been personally involved in every aspect of the high-tech and mobile markets at nearly every level. For example, he has secured patents for a great many new technological advances over the years. Also his ability to craft and successfully implement almost any type of complex business plan combined with his penchant for raising huge amounts of capital and to build out innovative, cutting-edge organizations from scratch also factor in to make a difference.
Charles Leaver was drawn to the cybersecurity field naturally, when he owned, operated and also managed several advanced lottery systems in Asia, South America and Europe and he had no choice but to make sure they were secure. Chuck Leaver has proven himself extremely skilled and knowledgeable in all aspects of tech and cyber security. Combine that with his reputation for bringing new technologies to market and making money from them, and you can see why Charles Leaver is so highly regarded by everyone in tech.